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  • Casey Bell

The 2020 Census is here!

Make Sure Your Household is Counted!!

Have you checked your mail recently?

Keep an eye out for an envelope from the US Census bureau addressed to the “Resident” at your address! This envelope details important information to help you complete the Census--but don’t worry if you can’t find it! You can go online (see links below) or call to receive language support in over 52 languages.

Why does the Census matter?

The Census is a national survey that records important demographic information, such as ethnicity, gender and age that determines how much federal funding a state will receive. This funding goes towards critical resources such as Education, Healthcare, Housing & Transportation and Food & Nutrition programs such as SNAP. For example, the state of Massachusetts receives about $16 Billion determined by the Census. For every person that is not counted in Massachusetts, the state loses $2300!

Make sure you & your family are counted! Complete the 2020 Census online, through the phone or by mail:

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